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Kote Null

Snorkletur, Kote Null, Gjeving
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Snorkletur, Kote Nul, Gjeving, Lyngør
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Kote Null
Snorkletur - Kote Null - Flatskjæra utenfor Gjeving
Kote Null dykking
Kote Null
Snorkletur - Kote Null - Flatskjæra utenfor Gjeving
Guide Kjetil Lomm viser kamskjell - Kote Null
Starten på snorkletur - Kote Null - Fladskjær utenfor Gjeving
Kote Null - Fotograf Sara Godthelp Vågsmyr
Kote Null
Kote Null
Kote Null - Nautholmsund
Kote Null
KoteNull logo

Let Kote Null show you the beauty of our archipelago in and on the water.

Kote Null brings you closer to our beautiful "Skjærgård" - our archipelago with all the small islands directly off the coast of Southern Norway. Kote Null operates all year long.

Kote Null is based in Tvedestrand and offer real and exciting experiences and activities on and by the sea in Tvedestrand and the surrounding area.

You can rent small boats, water scooters, SUP boards and kayaks.


- You can choose from a two hours SUP- course to total packages with activities on the water, sleeping by the sea shore and good food.
- Sea trout fishing, traditional angling/fishing along the coast and deep sea fishing.
- Explore Raet marine national park - free diving and filming with under water camera drone.
- Future Camp - Gathering sea water samples and analyzing microplastics.
- Round trips by boat with local guide - Sandøya, Borøy and Lyngør.

+ many more activities...

Kote Null arranges and adjusts their activities to fit your wishes and needs. 

Kote Null also have a summer base at Hotel Lyngørporten in Gjeving outside of Tvedestrand.

Activities in Raet National Park
Raet National Park was created in 2016 to protect the special natural area which extends from the Valøyene islands off Grimstad along the entire Arendal coastal strip to Lyngør in Tvedestrand. The park covers a total of 607 square kilometres of coastal nature and sea.

Fuente: Arendal Turistkontor

Kote Null


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