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Grini Museum

Grinimuseet utendørs
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Grinimuseet is managed by MiA, the Museums in Akershus and tells the story of the largest German prison camp in Norway during World War II and the life of the prisoners. Almost 20 000 prisoners spent time here during the war.

From the first prisoners came to Grini in June 1941 until the gates opened in May 1945, almost 20,000 prisoners were placed in the Grini camp. Here there were prisoners from all over the country, and almost all occupations and sections of the population were represented. At first, everyone sat in the prison building, but soon it became crowded and a "barrack town" was built. Today, the Grini Museum is located in one of these barracks.

The exhibitions tell about life in the camp which was characterized by fear and freedom, but also by unity and friendship among the prisoners. The audience gets to know different Grini prisoners and their personal stories: How did they experience life in Grini prison camp, and what did they do to endure it? A reconstructed room shows how the prisoners lived on the barracks.

From 2022, a VR experience for youths will be part of the dissemination offer at the Grini Museum.

Visit the Grini Museum

As the museum is being rebuilt, it does not currently have regular opening hours, but the museum is open during summer. We also accept groups for guided tour upon request.

Opening hours 
Days: Thursday to Sunday
Time: 11–16

The museum has no café, but we sell coffee, tea and mineral water.

In our small museum shop it is possible to buy books about Grini prison camp and World War II as well as postcards and some other products.

Member of Visit Greater Oslo

Fuente: Visit Greater Oslo

Grini Museum

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