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Søndre Land

Krokvasslia Skog

Krokvasslia Hytter og Koier
Krokvasslia skog - Ut på tur aldri sur
Krokvasslia skog - Kano på Kvitingen
Krokvasslia Hytter og Koier
Krokvasslia Hytter og Koier
Krokvasslia Skog - på tur med båt
Krokvasslia skog - Beitefuru i Øktmyrene
Krokvasslia skog - fuglejakt
Vey well equipped cabins. 4-8 beds per cabin. Individually located at lakes for fishing and swimming, or at places with magnificent scenery. Keresone lamps, gas cooking, firewood stove and fireplace, outside toilet building. Boat, canoe, fishing nets. Attractive landscape. High quality private roads. Quietness. Wild animals and birdlife. A place for memorable experiences and recreation in pact with nature. 2,5 hours drive from Oslo in Northern direction.

Fuente: Visit Øst-Norge

Krokvasslia Skog

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