Lårdalstigen "Tøffare enn Besseggen"
You can admire the old scenery and historic sites. Total length is ca. 14 km, and it is a long days walk ore offcourse you can make it a 2 days trip if you bring your own tent. We also have a small cabin that you can stay in. This is a good walk to combine with a return by boat on the Telemark Canal. Key facts: day trip, 14 km one way Time: 6-8 hours Challenging/very challenging Accessible: May-Oct. Map: Tokke 1 : 50,000 Remember to wear trainers with good soles or walking boots, and to bring plenty of water (at least 2-3 litres on warm days).
- Exigente
- Experto
- Zona montañosa
- Paseos en barco
- Senderismo
- Sendero natural
- Viajes de un día (5-11 horas)
Fuente: Vest Telemark
Lårdalstigen "Tøffare enn Besseggen"