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War Historical Landscape and Monuments of War Narvik 1940

Krigshistorisk Landskap Narvik.jpg
Krigshistorisk Landskap Narvik 2.jpg

The memorial in the picture is located on the site where the first strike back against the German forces during the second world war happened. The Norwegian forces were led by General Fleischer

War Historical Landscape

15th of June 2009 the War Historical Landscape was officially opened by his Majesty the King. War historical landscape is a series of monuments placed on the distance between Narvik and Bardufoss, in memory of the dramatic battles fought during the second world war.

The purpose of the establishment is to attend and present important facts of the Norwegian war history, to recognize and honor the veterans, the different departments, both Norwegian and allied in a dignified way. The ambition is that the presentation shall be perceived as a reconciliation between the combatants.

Fuente: Visit Narvik AS

War Historical Landscape and Monuments of War Narvik 1940


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