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Norwegian Clipfish Museum

Norwegian Clipfish Museum
Norwegian Clipfish Museum
Norsk Klippfiskmuseum Kristiansund
Norwegian Clipfish Museum
Norwegian Clipfish Museum
Norwegian Clipfish Museum
Norwegian Clipfish Museum

The wharf was used for klipfish production and a visit at the museum gives both a visual and perceptible impression of what came to be of such great importance in regards to the development of Kristiansund from the 18th century and to the post-was period. One can still smell salt and klipfish in the old wharf!

Visit the museum and learn about traditional clipfish production through photos as well as through stories told by the knowledgeable guides. The museum is open for the public during the summer season. For easiest access, use the Sundbåten harbour ferry and stop at Gomalandet.

Fuente: VisitNordvest

Norwegian Clipfish Museum

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