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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Museo de Bryggen

Bryggens Museum, Tove Breistein
Bryggens Museum
Bryggens Museum
Bryggens Museum
Bryggens Museum
Bryggens Museum
Bryggens Museum
Bryggens Museum
Bryggens Museum
Bryggens Museum
Bryggens Museum
65 – Kopi
Love_Sjal_egendesign, Bryggens Museum, foto Tove Breistein
Museumsbutikk Bryggens Museum, foto Tove Breistein
Museumskafe Bryggens Museum 2, foto Tove Breistein

Bryggens Museum display findings of the archaeological excavations of Bryggen from 1955 and contains the foundations of the oldest buildings in Bergen.

Bryggen, the old wharf in Bergen, is an exceptional example of a medieval urban area, and it has been designated a World Heritage site by UNESCO. In 1955 parts of Bryggen were ravaged by a fire, and during the subsequent excavations a huge number of objects were found, providing a vivid insight into commerce, shipping, handicrafts and everyday life in medieval times. Bryggens Museum is built over the remains of the first settlement at Bryggen and allows you to experience life in medieval Bergen. The oldest buildings are from the 12th century. The Museum will in 2016 stage an exhibition on town fire and urban development as well as an exhibition on Bryggen`s runes from the Middle Ages. Free entrance to Gullskoen museum café and museumshop. Souvenir shop, film and café. If you buy a full-price ticket at the first museum, you get 50% discount on the admission fee to all of our other museums throughout the year. From 1 June to 31 August Bryggens Museum is the startpoint for two guided tours: - Guided walks of Bryggen: The tour goes from Bryggens Museum among the old wooden buildings at Bryggen to the Hanseatic Museum. - Medieval tour Bryggens Museum- St.Mary's Church-The Rosenkrantz Tower: New guided tour including Bryggens Museum, St. Mary's Church and the Rosenkrantz Tower.

Fuente: Visit Bergen

Museo de Bryggen

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